Available courses

The Marriage and Family Therapy course provides students with essential knowledge and practical skills for working with couples, families, and relational systems. Whether pursuing a career in counseling or seeking to strengthen family dynamics, this course equips you to make a positive impact.  

The Marriage and Family Therapy course provides students with essential knowledge and practical skills for working with couples, families, and relational systems. Whether you’re pursuing a career in counseling or seeking to strengthen family dynamics, this course equips you to make a positive impact.

결혼 및 가족 치료 과정은 학생들에게 부부, 가족, 관계 시스템에서 일하는 데 필수적인 지식과 실용적인 기술을 커플, 가족 및 관계 시스템과 함께 일할 수 있는 필수적인 지식과 실용적인 기술을 제공합니다. 상담 분야에서 경력을 쌓고 있든 또는 가족역동성을 강화하고자 하는 경우 이 과정을 통해 상담가로서 좋은 역량을 갖추게 됩니다.


This course is an analysis of the development of a biblical theology of pastoral counseling. It includes a study of the nature of men and women, children and families, and how and why problems develop with sensitivity to cultural variation. This course will deal with the assessment of relational dynamics, problem resolution, and biblical principles related to emotional and spiritual well-being.

This course provides an extensive overview of attachment theory, from early conceptual developments to the most recent empirical findings. Emphasis placed on attachment theory within a developmental context  and on applying attachment theory to the practice of counseling and psychotherapy of adults, children, and families. 

This course provides the opportunity to write a professional-quality resume, memo, and letter. Students will also identify, analyze, and emulate some basic features of a professional report/article typical of their major field, and
follow the guidelines and conduct the appropriate research to submit a basic grant proposal. In addition, students will use writing to reflect on the importance of business, technological, and industrial activities to local and global economies, local and global cultures, human health, and the environment. In this course, students articulate their response to ethical issues raised by professional practices.

MS word Logo

This course provides a comprehensive exploration of Microsoft Office, focusing on its essential tools, applications, and practical uses in professional environments. Students will gain proficiency in Word, learn effective document management techniques, and develop skills necessary for efficient workplace communication and productivity. 

Introduction to the relationship between psychological events and behavior, emotions, perception and thought processes. Orientation to the effects of licit and illicit drugs, neurological disorders, psychosomatic medicine, and other current medical research of interest to counselors. (Previous number BC.400).


심리적 사건과 행동, 감정, 지각 및 사고 과정 간의 관계에 대해 소개합니다. 합법 및 불법 약물의 효과, 신경 장애, 정신신체의학 및 상담사가 관심을 가질 만한 기타 최신 의학 연구에 대한 오리엔테이션입니다. (이전 번호 BC.400).

In this course The Doctrine of God, we study the being, existence, knowability, and attributes of the Triune God, including topics like divine decrees, creation, providence, miracles, and angels. While the question of revelation (scripture as the Word of God) asks if God can be known, the central question of this course is whether God can be defended. If the definition is descriptive, then it is possible to define God, although not exhaustively.

The Doctrine of God is an exploration of the concept stated in Ephesians 1:11, 'Who works all things after the counsel of His Own will.' The counsel of God refers to the eternal scheme encompassing all His original designs, which includes everything in the creative and redemptive program of God, even involving or embracing the free actions of humanity

This is the course to find out details about rising Korean culture and Religion wave in the world. Through this course many will be about to under stand basic letters in Korean, Food, Drama, Modern Culture, Traditional Culture and deeply related Religion. How we can use this course in the future as a tool to reach out to the world more effectively as future missionaries with the tool of Korean Cultures.